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Elizabeth Barbara Abrams (MacQuinn)
Brenda Joyce Ahlquist
Charles Ahlquist
Karen Edith Andersen (Andersen)
Jane Anderson (Custer)
Judith Anderson (Jenkins)
Frederick Verne Anniskiwicz
Dorothy Ann Baker
Kathryn Loretta Bell (Oxford)
Malcohm George Berry
Robert A Bickford
Barbara Arlene Bickmore
Gail Marie Bisson
Ellen Frances Bitomski (Martin)
John C Blake
Maurice Boston
Charles J Bostrom
Henry Bowden
Charles Richard Browning
David James Brunette
Douglas Elliott Bryant
Allen Stewart Bubar
Richard Edward Buckingham
Pauline Theresa Buco
Clifford L Bulley
Richard Bruce Burrill
Phyllis Anne Carrigan (Fields)
Valdena Lynette Chick (Navratil)
Katharine Irene Colby (Howard)
Mary Earline Cole
Jefferson Sterling Cook
Jane Curran
Joyce Carol Dalzell (Mikesh)
Francis Patrick Daughan
Thomas Leroy Day
Charles William Decoff
John Peter Dennett
Tom Despres
Carol Ann Dickerman (Kenyon)
Dick Dufrense
Mary Dupras (Overton)
Roberta Eastman (Harris)
John Arthur Faulkner
Samuel Faulkner
Palmer Grant Fessenden
Kathy Fisher (Blackford)
Priscilla Foster (Newton)
George Arthur Foye
Lenny Jean Foye (Fairchild)
Roy E Freeman, Jr.
Edward Francis Fremeau
Raymah Marie Gagnon
Andrew Gerard Gallant
Clifton Leroy Gerry, Jr.
Barbara Glasgow (Pike)
Nancy Jean Gordon
Sharon Grant (Nye)
Douglas Scott Gregory
Carol Lee Gunnison
Michael Lee Hall
Keith Wayne Hayward
Carol Ann Healey (Jankauskas Sr)
Brenda Hill (Powers)
Clay Hill
Linda Elizabeth Hinckley (Marshall)
Sandra Lee Hooke
Thomas Robert Hosmer
Barbara Arlene Hoyt
Barbara Jean Hubbard (Reed)
Emerson Kimball
Stephen D King
Elizabeth Kozlowski
Joanne Kozlowski
Guy William LaClair, Jr.
Lynette Larcom (Plaisted)
Edward Roger Leland
Thomas Brian Littlefield
Bette Lyle
Diane Elodie MacCormack (De…)
Sharon Lee Manson (Fanjoy)
John Vanvel McCollet II
Joan Elaine McCusker (Wells)
Dorothy Louise McGee
Von McIntosh
Morris F. McIntosh, Jr.
Jack McKinnon
Paul Frederick McLean
Julia Diane Miller
Robert Watson Miller
William J O'Brien
Chuck Pesik
Lee Philbrick, Jr.
Carol Phillips (Loubier)
Patricia Pike (Parker)
Shirley Louise Plummer (Johnson)
Calvin George Potter
Charles Edward Prince III
Gerald Clifford Quimet
Diane Joy Reed
Michael John Regan
JoAnn Eleanor Rehler
Judith Mae Ricker
Jenette Anne Rigaud
Carroll Leroy Rowan
Sandra Carolyn Rowland (Kennedy)
Rich Rumble
Leroy Shea
Joseph Russell Smith, Jr.
William Richard Spiller
Brenda Stebbins
Judy Sullivan
Patricia I'Ans Titus
Stanley Alfred Trull
Basil Ronald Varney
James Varrell Wakefield
Robert Edward Watts
Judith Marie West (Lee)
Jean M White
Paul Henry White
Robert Winton
Mace Woodworth
Robert Paul Wyman
Guest Members
Doug Kenyon
Judith Power (Despres)
Arnold Putnam
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